I’ve always had this big problem with shoes, handbags, and even clothes when it comes to name and designer brands. So it goes like this I’m 6’4 maybe a 36 or 38 inseam, size 12 or 13 depending on the shoe, can’t forget I have extremely long arms. So right there is a handful for most clothing brands I get it, I would be overwhelmed too. However doesn’t give any brand the excuse to not include above average women. It’s not something that has been recently occurring, brands have been exclusive to a certain size and height of individuals for almost three decades now. I realized that finding clothes and accessories yet alone cute ones would be the hardest thing to deal with every day. Forget the staring, name calling and bulling that goes along with it. Not having cute pieces of clothes to express your personality and feeling is very discouraging. You always hear this saying that “you look good, you feel good”, well that’s the truth I believe fresh skin, hair done, nails done, and a bomb outfit is your best feeling. So being an above average lady it’s sometimes hard… very hard to make sure your outfit is bomb and not trash. Being long has to be taken very seriously because you might think certain pieces of clothing fit well but in reality they’re uncomfortable and they simply don’t. We as above average women have to expect the unexpected and expect that we have to compromise with good clothing by not buying the item we want.
The point I’m trying to make with this is that for me being 6’4 I’m not going to compromise with these brands because they’re designer, that goes for the pretty high heels, purses, or the clothes. I would love to rock a handbag and have it aligned with my torso instead of it sitting right under my armpit but you can’t get everything you want in life. I believe all of these designer names that are listed above can compromise and expand their horizons. I would love to see all of us as highviewers to unite and talk about this cause because it’s a cause that’s rarely talked about and brought to the critics. I hope in the future designers can see us above average women as people to tend to and cater for as well in the fashion industry. Until then we have to continue to walk high, keep our head high and strut this life the best we can!
With Love,
My Highview